Sunday 20 February 2011

Angel Review

L.A. Weatherly
October 2010

This book surprised me, I was completely expecting to hate it after 30 pages when the POV had shifted a million times but, surprisingly, I loved it. It reminded me a little of the Host and a little of the TV show supernatural.

Alex is an A...more
This book surprised me, I was completely expecting to hate it after 30 pages when the POV had shifted a million times but, surprisingly, I loved it. It reminded me a little of the Host and a little of the TV show supernatural.

Alex is an Angel Killer. Forced into a life of hunting Angels by his father after an Angel killed his mother (see the resemblances here...!) he finds himself isolated and alone after the CIA take over the operation and force all the Angel Killers to work individually.You see, in this book, Angels are aliens from another dimension who feed on humans life-force, leaving them with "Angel-burn", which is the facination and adoration of these creepy etherial beings, plus the suseptibility to mental degeneration and a whole host of other diseases. His next assignment is Willow, a half-angel (who doesn't know it!) who he can't bring himself to kill. They go on the run together, managing to evade both the Angels and the Church of Angel (a host of creppy fantatics with Angel burn) until it becomes apparent that only Willow can stop the forthcoming invasion.

I adored this book. First thing that I should note about it is it is Young Adult. There is no swearing, no sex and the violence (although incredibly creepy) is not written in a graphic no-holds-barred kind of way. I wouldn't class it as Romance, but as Urban Fantasy as the main storyline consists of the Angels. The romance is sweet and I can see that it will build over the next three books. One of the main critisms that I have read about this book is that it never really reaches that whole next level but, between the main characters finally accepting their feelings and the end of the book, is a period of about a month...I feel it was appropriate for a Young Adult book that they never "get it on". The Angels and their parasitic relationship with the Humans takes up the majority of the plotline and it's creepy. I think if I hadn't have read the Nalini Singh Guildhunter books, and therefore already been introduced to this whole idea that Angels can be as evil as everything else, I would have been more shocked and possibly a little less receptive to what this book is about. It really is a break from the norm!

It takes Willow almost 3/4 of the book to come to terms with her Angel, infact Alex, who has seen most of his family die via Angels, accepts it quicker! The only experiences she has with Angels are bad and it comes as quite a shock to learn she is half this supposed monsterous race. I loved it when she finally accepted that evil is a personal choice, not a genetic one. This was a book filled with personal growth for the characters.

I have just added the next one to my want-to-read list. I can't give it any higher praise than that!!

This book was reviewed by fellow blogger Ni_kii who reviews adult books over at


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